Cleaning Checklist to Prepare Your Home for Summer

Now that your kids are done with classes, your home needs to be ready for the various activities they will enjoy in and out of the house. Summer is coming up, which means your house needs to be prepared for the flurry of activities you and your children will try in the next few months. Here is a cleaning checklist to ensure your house is prepared for your kids’ summer fun and activities.


If your home has a mudroom, the best time to have it cleaned and organized is now, especially since this room houses all your kids’ toys and sports equipment. Here are some tips for a spotless mudroom:

  • Make it a family affair by inviting your kids to check their old equipment and toys and ask them which ones they’re ready to dispose of. Encourage them to care about their belongings and the environment by teaching them to categorize the items they’re reading to get rid of. The three categories can be toss, sell, or donate—and you can teach them to identify which pieces can still be rehabilitated and which ones need to go to a junkyard.
  • Wipe down the shelves, especially if dirty shoes have been stashed there. Look for products that are approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ensure that you’re not spraying products that are harmful to the occupants of the house.
  • Consider repainting the walls to freshen up your mudroom. Invest in multiple weaved baskets where you can store different items without making the space look cluttered. Consider trying out a bolder color for the shelves to give the room a personality.

Air vents

Since the weather is getting hotter and hotter as the days go by, you can be assured that your home’s air conditioners (AC) will also be humming every day. Make sure to clean your AC units’ air vents to remove dust and grime buildup. Use a vacuum brush to eliminate the dust, and consider unscrewing them from the unit so that you can wash them with soap and hot water.


woman opening the windows

One of the best things about summer is getting our much-needed dose of vitamin D, so make sure your home is ready to receive the sunlight by doing some window cleaning. Consider hiring professionals who can help provide you with clean and clear windows, especially since glass is a porous material prone to accumulating dirt. This dirt can then cause harm to the glass of your windows, especially if it’s caused by bugs, pet residue, construction debris, hard minerals, and others. Professional window cleaners can help ensure that your windows have a clean slate before summer begins.


Late spring heralds the start of coats and jackets being tucked away into the back of our closets. Take this opportunity to finally declutter your closet from top to bottom. Choose items you can still donate and give them to those who need them the most. Take everything out of your closet and wipe down every dusty wall, and mop the closet floor. This will give you a fresh start before summer begins.

Outdoor living areas

residential patio

If you and your family love spending time in your yard or patio, then you most likely have already done some work in your outdoor living areas during spring. However, since summer is a much warmer time and you and your family will probably continue to spend quality time outdoors, now is a good time to sweep your patio or deck, spray down the furniture once again, wash the throws and mastresses, and get the place in tiptop shape before you and your family enjoy barbecue parties amidst the balmy air. Deep-clean your outdoor living areas using 1/2 cup of baking soda with one gallon of water. You can also mix a few drops of your most trusted dish soap if your outdoor living areas have some stains.


Dust is not a summer-exclusive home problem, but it will do your home well if you prepare for it before summer comes because when your AC is running all day, there’s a bigger chance that dust will be trapped inside your home. Invest in some big microfiber cloths to wipe down dusty surfaces. Use an EPA-approved all-purpose cleaner to spray the dusty areas like door frames, the fan blades of your ceiling fans, baseboards, tabletops, counters, cabinetry, and other places in your home that are prone to dust.

Doing some cleaning now and preparing for the mess to come will save you a lot of stress at the height of summer. Do what you can now so you and your kids can enjoy their vacation together.

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