Things to Do After Moving into Your New Home

Moving into a new home is the start of a different chapter of your life. This can be the beginning of new opportunities that you have been waiting for a long time. The process of moving can be stressful in itself. People think that the actual move is the most challenging part of it, with the hiring of moving services, packing and unpacking, loading and unloading, and transporting over a couple of days.

But the most crucial part of it is what you do once you have already brought all your belongings to this new home. The post-move process should ensure that the transition to living in a different house is as smooth and comfortable as possible. Here are the things that occupants of a new home should plan to do right when they arrive in their new place.

Check the condition of the home

The first thing that new occupants should do when they arrive at their home is to check everything.  Especially if you’ve had special requests and agreements with the home seller, you need to verify that every demand was fulfilled even before you start unpacking your belongings.

Walk around your home and check for damages that may need repairs, including fixtures, wiring, and water pipes. This should also help you locate the main shut-off valves for the water system and the main controls for the home’s electricity for emergency purposes.

Also, check for possible pest infestations that will have to be removed immediately. Contact the seller if any of the agreed-upon conditions were not fulfilled so you can settle them early in the process.

Do the repairs

If all agreements are in order, you will probably still have to do some repairs, even cosmetic ones, for aesthetic purposes. Your new home might be bare and unfurnished so before you start unpacking all your stuff, do the repairs and furnishings to save time.

Repainting can be saved for later, but you can do it in rooms that will be filled with larger, harder-to-move furniture. Replace the filters of your HVAC system and have the ducts cleaned as needed. Arrange for the installation of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors for your safety.

Change the locks and install alarms

An important step that some people forget to do is to change the locks of their new homes. Even when the old locks are still working, you should replace them with new ones to ensure that only you can access your home with your own keys. Some will even go as far as installing keyless entry systems for added safety. Alarms should also be installed for your protection.

front door of a house

Clean as you go

Cleaning will forever be a chore for homeowners, so it should be done throughout the entire process of the move. Before you start unpacking, you may benefit from doing a general cleanup to make the space livable at the least. Then you should begin disinfecting your belongings, especially when you hire people to move them for you.

Once you’ve started unpacking, you should deep clean specific areas and rooms of the home to save from more intense cleaning later on. After the unpacking, minor and follow-up tidying will be enough.

Plan the new home setting

The next step is to start planning the new setting of the home. Depending on how you want the space to look, arrange your furniture, appliances, and decor to make a room look more spacious, cozy, or minimalist. New items might have to be purchased to suit your need, so budget your finances for that. If you have other people who will live with you, this is the perfect time to assign chores to maintain a harmonious living. Also, make a list of the other repairs that will be done in the coming months.

Get to know the new neighbors

Lastly, once you’ve settled, it is time to meet the neighbors. Your neighbors will want to know the people moving in next to their place, so be polite and introduce yourself to them. Remember that a good relationship with your neighbors can prevent messy disputes later on.

These things should be done to eliminate many problems that might be overlooked in the beginning and may become more difficult to fix later on. Your new home will be your new sanctuary of safety and relaxation, so you have to ensure that it is in the best possible state when you move in. After all, your safety and finances should be prioritized to live comfortably and without much worry. With these tips, you should be ready to move into your new home and start a new beginning.

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