How Your Appliances Might Be Costing You More

When you get an electric bill that is unusually high, it’s normal to wonder what could’ve caused your energy use to spike. There are a lot of possible reasons, like a faulty HVAC system that uses up more energy than it needs to or a holey roof that allows heating and cooling to escape. However, the most common culprits of a spiking electricity bill are, in fact, household appliances.

Here are the most common reasons appliances can cause increased energy bills:

1. Inefficient appliances

When appliances start to deteriorate, so does their energy efficiency. For example, if your refrigerator hasn’t been tuned up in quite a while, dirt buildup in the interiors or a faulty component can cause your unit to use more energy to function properly. In this case, calling an expert inĀ refrigerator repair in Salt Lake City should be a priority. The same goes for all other household appliances, especially the ones that you use every day.

2. Vampire electricity

A common reason why electricity bills are high and stay high is vampire energy, which is the electricity consumed even if you’re not using any appliances. Fortunately, you can easily combat this unnecessary waste of energy by unplugging electronics when they are not in use. Of course, this can be tedious, so you can just connect appliances and devices to power strips and then switch them off all at once when idle.


3. Not maximizing capacity

If you run your dishwasher, washer, and dryer without using them to their full capacity, you may be the reason why your electricity bill is so high. To address this problem, fill up each load to the maximum capacity. For example, wash all dishes at the end of the day instead of after every meal, and do laundry once a week instead of twice or thrice.

4. Inefficient light bulbs

Traditional incandescent light bulbs (e.g. halogen bulbs) use relatively more energy than their energy-efficient counterparts, which are LED (light-emitting diode) and CFL (compact fluorescent lamp) bulbs. If you still use traditional bulbs for the majority of your home’s light fixtures, replace them with energy-efficient ones to reduce your energy bill.

5. Older appliances

Using appliances that are near or past their prime is another typical reason why electricity bills spike. Older appliances, especially models that are not designed to be energy-efficient, tend to use more electricity because of old age. Hence, if an appliance is more than 10-15 years old, consider replacing it with a new one, particularly a model that has an ENERGY STAR rating.

6. Unnecessary appliances

Do you have a second refrigerator in the garage that you barely use? How about a TV that is too large for your bedroom or a toaster that you keep plugged in but don’t use every day?

If you have unnecessary appliances in the house, they could be causing an increase in your electricity bill. To keep your energy use as low as possible, get rid of the appliances that you don’t use or need.

Reducing your energy consumption is an excellent way to cut down on your household expenses. Remember and follow these suggestions to make your home more energy-efficient.

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