Hot Rod Red and Unicorn Flairs: Car Paint Types

A car’s appearance and appearance can change greatly depending on the paint job. The best-performing car can look utterly dim next to a well-worn jalopy with the wrong paint job. On the flipside, the intricate work done by car manufacturers through auto paint booths and hand painting can be undone by amateurish modifications.

Aside from affecting a car’s aesthetics, the paint can also protect the surface from the elements and reduce the amount of work you’ll need to do. The only question left is what kind of paint job suits your needs and taste.


chrome car

Chrome is applied to cars in two ways: through electroplating or spraying. Both types have their own set of advantages and disadvantages.

The durability of chrome plating is proven against weather aging and extreme temperatures. Aside from being corrosion-proof, the highly-glossy finish withstands oxidation and is easy to touch up. Chrome plates also leave no stains or other damages to the car parts they are applied to when they are stripped.

Chrome plating requires the help of experts while spray-on chrome can be applied by total beginners or regular auto shops. The same polish and gleam as chrome plating are obtainable through spray-on chrome at a fraction of the price. Cars sprayed with chrome are also weather-, scuff-, and salt-resistant. Spray-on chrome is also a far greener choice than chrome plating.


Matte, like chrome, can be applied in two ways. Paint jobs cost more than wrapping your care in matte, for a start. Wrapping also enables fickle car owners to change their paint jobs more easily. Either way, matting your car is a surefire way of signaling your capacity to take care of your car. Matte wraps and paint jobs are significantly more expensive and costlier to maintain than other types of car surfaces.

The matte finish also prevents light from revealing little bumps and scratches on your car’s surface. Car lights and other lighting fixtures still reflect against your matted car but their shine is muted.


Glossy, glitzy, and glaring, metallic car paint jobs attract every eye on the road to its gleaming form. Metallic paint plays up the effect of natural and artificial lighting on a car’s body. The paint’s effect is also great at hiding buffs and scratches in addition to holding up better than flat paints.

A car painted with metallic paint can also increase the resale value of the card. Its status as a premium paint option alongside matte paint can dramatically increase the worth of your car.


Iridescent and striking, pearlescent paint colors make your car look like a high-speed special effect. Instead of metal particles, ceramic crystals or mica is used in paint to create a refracting effect. Depending on the depth and shimmer of the paint used, your car can look like a giant, car-shaped pear or a giant mobile fish scale.

Chameleon kinds of pearlescent paint shift colors constantly, while thermochromic paint changes colors according to temperature. Glow paint lights your car up like a light cycle, ghost pearls and candy paint give off unique sheens, and holographic paint reflects rainbow-like colors when touched by light.

When you’ve decided on what paint job to do on your car, find a trustworthy garage or paint specialist to do the job for you. Inexperienced hands may do more harm than good and inflict expensive damages to your car. Invest in the procedure as you would on any part of your car to lessen your expenses in the end.

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