Four Family Activities That Will Help Your Children Develop Their Organizational Skills

When it comes to organizing, we often look for a solution when there is already a problem. But if only we stay organized from the moment we moved into the new house then, we wouldn’t have to worry about the mountaintop of bills on the kitchen counter or the dishes that haven’t been washed since this morning. It’s the same way with your kids. If you don’t teach them how to be organized right now, there’s a slim chance they will be better at it when they’re all grown up. So, we better start teaching them this now than watch them suffer when they’re adults.

But first, you must realize that what you need to keep things organized in the house is space. You can have a loft conversion project so you can turn your attic into something useful. You don’t even need that much space. Even if you live in a tiny apartment, you should make an effort to create space for your things. Those living in tiny houses prioritize cabinets and drawers more than their own sleeping quarters. That’s because organized people understand that to keep the house clean, there must be a proper place for everything.

For your kids, make sure they understand that the purpose of the activities is to teach them how to be organized. Be upfront to them about this. Communication is the key to teaching your kids important life lessons, which being organized is. So many people think of it as a skill, but it’s actually a lesson you should take to your adult life.

Plan an Event

Get the kids excited for something like planning a kiddie party. It doesn’t have to be their birthdays. You can invite their friends and relatives for a gathering. Make sure they know that the party is for them, so they will feel obligated and excited to help prepare for it. Let the kids lead the way. They should choose who to invite, how to contact those people, and what to serve them.

If you need to go to the party place or grocery store for the supplies, take the kids with you. Give them a set budget and see how they will try to maneuver their way around money and the things they want. This is also an important skill they should learn.

It doesn’t have to be a party, too. It can be as casual as a movie night with the whole family. Make them choose the movie, as well as what food to serve.

Tackle a DIY Project

There are plenty of do-it-yourself kits for children in the toy store. However, these are not the kind of DIY skills they need to learn. It might also feel like play for them. Include your kids in whatever DIY project you plan for the home or the family.

Do you want to build a scrapbook of the time you spent traveling? Print the photos and buy the scrapbook materials. Let your kids help you create the scrapbook. Not only will this keep them interested in organizing their own photos this way, but it’s a great bonding activity, too.

Another DIY project you can turn into a family activity is creating a photo wall. Let the kids put the photos in the frames. Then, ask for their help in hanging the photo frames to the wall.

Commission an Art Piece

Kids love to draw. They love making art. So, why not commission them for a piece of artwork. Make it big. Ask them to create a large canvass painting that you’ll hang in their rooms. Take them with you when buying the supplies, but make sure not to buy everything they need. The trick here is for them to realize that they need to be organized when tackling a big project at home. They will learn the value of listing down things before going to the grocery store, so they won’t waste time going back and forth because they missed something.

Clean With Them

Mom and little girl drawing

An organized home is a clean home. Try out your kids’ interest in organizing the home. Turn drawers and cabinets upside-down intentionally. Then, ask your kids how best to go about organizing these things. Do it in their rooms as well. Tell them they need to start organizing their things, or they won’t find their favorite toys because of how cluttered their rooms are.

When you are cleaning, don’t make your kids stay in one room, so they won’t interfere with what you’re doing. Intentionally let them see how you are organizing things. They’ll get a better understanding of why being organized matters at all.

It is never too late to start teaching your kids how to be organized. The key here is to find the right time. As long as they are ready to listen to you, start teaching them the basics of keeping an organized, clean, and clutter-free home. This will help them be better adults in the future.

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