Drain Basics: Causes and Prevention of Clogged Drains

Having a clogged drain may seem like a small and common issue experienced by every homeowner. When left untreated, however, the problem could quickly escalate.

Apart from affecting water flow, a clogged drain can cause major issues like flooding and corrosion. Preventing these clogs, therefore, is important before the situation becomes out of hand.

Drain cleaning usually helps in preventing clogs. A professional who cleans drains in Provo can remove the blockage and get the water flowing normally again. Usually, drains suffer from clog due to the following causes:


One of the most common factors that cause clogs is pieces of hair stuck in the drains. Hair that comes into contact with dirt and sweat becomes greasy, which can block the drains. To ensure that the hairs on the drain won’t accumulate, install guards or nets around the drain that could catch these hairs directly. Make sure to clean the net or guard regularly.


Sometimes, children flush down tiny, solid toys out of pure enjoyment. While these toys may be small, they can become stuck inside the pipes.

The good news is that you can get rid of the toy by using a plunger. Alternatively, you can reach out to a professional to retrieve the item for you.

Leftover Food Waste

clogged drain

Before you start washing the dishes, make sure that you have a separate bin where you could conveniently throw away all the leftover food waste. This type of waste is a common cause of blockage in sinks.

Leftover food should never go down the drain. This is true, especially for food containing oil and grease, as well as those that do not break down easily like tea leaves and coffee beans.

The oil and greasy contents from the leftover food waste could block your pipe. This is a huge deal since it would coagulate inside the pipe and ultimately clog your drain. If you have any leftover greasy stuff in the kitchen, make sure you throw it in the trash can.

Flushable Wipes and Other Sanitary Items

One of the most basic rules that people are having difficulty following is to avoid throwing flushable wipes on toilets. Some of these wipes are not flushable, even if the label says otherwise.

People think that just because they disappear when you flush, the material would now be gone and harmless. This, however, is usually not the case. When done regularly, these toilet papers can clog the pipes and make flushing more difficult to do.

On top of flushable wipes, avoid flushing other sanitary products, such as diapers, sanitary napkins, baby wipes, and other sanitary wrappers. These items could cause a major drain clog. Have a separate bin inside your bathroom to throw all these items. If you’re in a public place, dispose of these products in a garbage bin.


Soap, specifically the residue, can clog drains. Some soap products contain substances that can block the pipes. You can switch to a soap brand that does not have these substances.

Hair, toys, leftover food waste, flushable wipes, sanitary products, and soap are just some of the major causes of clogged drains. With the presented solutions, you can fix clogs and even prevent them from occurring in the first place.

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