DIY Home Renovations for Spring

This article will give readers a few ideas on DIY home renovations they can do for spring. From painting to updating furniture, there are many different projects that can be completed in a short amount of time that will freshen up your home for the warmer months ahead.

man painting the wall

1. Paint your walls a light, airy color to brighten up the room.

Light colors can really make a home feel fresh and open. Different shades of white are always a good place to start, but pale blues and greens can help wake up the entire home too. Living rooms and bedrooms are some of the easiest and most effective rooms of the home to repaint but you can also include the kitchen and dining room, as well as outdoor spaces like your garage and back shed.

2. Prepare your garden.

It’s important to get these jobs done when the weather is still cool and the ground is soft enough that you won’t hurt your back. The end of winter can be a great time to start growing some herbs and vegetables in small pots before transplanting them into bigger, decorative pots for your porch or patio. It’s also a good idea to work with a creative garden designer to develop a plan for the yard so you can put your outdoor renovations on display for spring and summertime entertaining.

3. Deep clean your carpet.

It’s never too early to get the carpets cleaned, but doing it in the transition between winter and spring makes for an even bigger impact. Carpets can really soak up dirt during seasons of cold and snow, making them look dingy. A professional cleaning company can ensure that they’re tackling the dirt at the roots of your carpet to bring back its fresh color.

4. Update your furniture by reupholstering them.

This is an inexpensive way to breathe new life into tired-looking pieces that you can’t bear to part with. You can easily purchase fabric online or at your local home improvement store to do it yourself or hire a professional to bring it all together. If the wood frame needs some work, there are other ways for reviving it without having to replace it completely. Textiles can be changed easily if you have some knowledge of sewing and taking measurements.

5. Give your rooms bold new window treatments

Brighten up dark corners by adding bright window treatments that allow natural light in through the windows. Even if it’s not spring outside yet, brighter shades can make your room feel more cheery and inviting.

6. Update your home with new outdoor furniture

Outdoor furniture can be very expensive but it doesn’t have to be if you look around and get creative. Outdoor designs are trending in a big way this season, so don’t fall behind by relying on old accessories that just aren’t working anymore. Take a trip to a local thrift or antique store for more affordable options, but if you’re looking for completely new designs of patio furniture, check out your local home improvement store.

7. Go around the house and clear away any clutter that might be sitting out in the open.

With the warmer weather approaching, it’s a good idea to make sure that your home is in order before things start heating up. A little spring cleaning never hurt anybody, not even in wintertime! You should not only do the cleaning inside but also remove dirt and debris from the outdoors like on the gutters, in your garden, etcetera.

8. Install new hardware on your cabinets and doors for a quick and easy update

Changing the hardware on your cabinets and doors can really provide a new look to an old room without much effort. You can go with modern or classic designs to suit your tastes, but either way, you won’t have to spend too much time looking for what you need at the local home improvement store.

9. Update your fixtures

Light fixtures are an easy way to give your rooms more personality. From the bathroom to the kitchen, it’s simple to update these fixtures with just a few tools and some new paint or hardware. You can find more affordable options at thrift stores, yard sales, or online for unique styles that will make your home really stand out.

10. Create an indoor oasis with some living greenery

There is an abundance of plants and flowers available right now for purchase. It’s a great idea to bring the outdoors indoors as much as possible, so take some time to research some ideas before you launch into any renovations that you have in mind. Green walls, indoor water features, and hanging gardens can all be great pieces to incorporate into your home if you have the time and budget.

Whether you’re looking to make a few small updates or go all out with a full-blown renovation, these tips will help get you started. By following the advice in this article, you’ll be well on your way to giving your home a fresh look for spring.

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