DIY Landscaping: Tips on How to Do It Properly

Landscaping is no simple task. But it’s not something that you can’t do either. However, the level of what you can do may depend on several factors, including your budget and your skills.

Nevertheless, landscaping is a sure way to make your yard the prettiest in all of Utah. And if you’re determined to do it yourself, here are some helpful tips for you.

Tip #1: Plan Ahead and Start Small

If you’re a beginner in landscaping or maybe gardening in general, designing as you go rarely goes well. You’ll be wasting effort, time, money, and your resources if you keep on re-doing things.

That’s why it’s best to plan your landscaping needs and wants. Plus, you might also want to start on a smaller project first–perhaps doing a small section in the corner so that you know the basics.

You can try sketching a few ideas first. They don’t have to be perfect, as long as you understand what you need to do in case you’re following with an idea. If you’re stuck, you can always look at magazines and photos online for some inspiration.

Plan #2: Gather Everything You Need

Once you have chosen an idea or theme, start listing everything you will need. That includes the tools you will need, some new plants you might want to add, and a few features you’ll use, such as a fire pit or a bench.

Of course, never forget your materials. Besides soil and some wood, you’ll definitely need colorful rocks. You can find wholesale gravel on sale from a Utah store where you can choose from many different colors and sizes.

Plan #3: Start with Your Hardscaping

Do the heavy work first before proceeding with planting. Hardscaping often includes a little construction, which would rather disturb the soil and move it around. If you planted first, there’s a chance your flower beds will get disrupted and out of order. The plants may even die or won’t grow healthy as they did before.

Plan #4: Do Some Layering

You’ll want to layer your plants based on their height just to give your space a sense of unity and coordination. For example, the tallest ones are the back, probably nearest the walls or the boundaries. Then, create a middle row, and lastly, the front row with the smallest flowers.

You might also want to try coordinating with the colors. For example, every shade of red is in one corner, while shades of oranges and yellows are on one side.

Plan #5: Add New Elements


You’ll be surprised by how new elements can elevate your garden’s look. Sure, you might be comfortable with the designs you’ve been making. But, creating something new and out of your style will make you appreciate your yard even more. And for beginners, this might be a little easier.

As someone who might have never done landscaping before, your ideas are still a little scattered. Sometimes, you might give in to impulses that seem out of place. But, try to see the bigger picture. You might have done something more to give your garden a better look.


A beautiful yard can make you feel better, so the hard work is definitely worth it. Whether you’re a beginner or someone with experience, it’s a great project to do once in a while.

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